Explore all the recipes on Slimming Eats by simply typing your desired ingredient in the search box and hitting enter, or by browsing through our featured categories. From breakfast, lunch, and dinner options to fakeaways like Indian and Chinese cuisine, as well as Vegetarian, Slow Cooker dishes, and more, you'll find a diverse range of recipes to suit every taste and occasion.
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Whether you are looking for idea for breakfast, lunch, dinner of dessert we have everything covered right here on Slimming Eats, choose from your favourite courses below:
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We are removing all Slimming World syn values from the website, you can read more about why here.
To ensure precise calculations, we recommend utilizing the official tools provided with your membership to specific plans, as they may undergo regular updates. Values can vary between different brands, so it's essential to calculate recipes using these tools to guarantee accuracy in any recipe you prepare.
Slimming Eats Cookbooks
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Recipes by Diet
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Enjoy a Fakeaway
Indulge in guilt-free delights by recreating your favourite fakeaway dishes in the comfort of your own kitchen. Whether it's pizza, burgers, kebabs, Indian cuisine, or Chinese takeout you're craving, Slimming Eats offers a delightful array of recipes to satisfy all your cravings.
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Recipes by Method
Need a recipe for your slow cooker, pressure cooker or air fryer? Slimming Eats has you covered.